Footballidentity Wiki

Rui Patrício

Rui Patrício is an 18 years old portuguese footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for the Serbian club Ultras Provizka. 

Club career[]

Ultras Provizka

Rui Patrício was signed in a trial to Utras Provizka during Season 20 of the 2nd Serbian league. He joined 1 day before his first match and appearance for Ultras Provizka. After that game, the manager of Ultras Provizka, Kristijan Stoja, sent him a full contract and the place in the team's first 11. Being aware that this was important for his career, he accepted the contract and the place without thinking twice.

Career Statistics[]

Appearances: 1

Appearances without suffering goals: 1

Shots on goal (by the opponent team): 0

Saves: 0

Goals suffered: 0

Career Matches[]

Ultras Provizka 3 x MTS Kosmet 0 - Win
